We can assist you if you get Error H202 or H505 (or H101 or H103) when attempting to convert to multi-user mode. Although H202, H303, and H505 appear to be part of the same larger problem, H202 is unique in that it happens when a user attempts to read a file that is not on their machine but is on the server. These errors indicate that something is preventing many users from connecting to your service. We'll show you how to resolve the problem.
“You're attempting to work with a business file on another computer, but this copy of QuickBooks is unable to connect to the server on that machine. (“H202”)

What are some of the most common causes of QuickBooks Error H202?
When QuickBooks Desktop tries to connect to the company file but can't interact with the server for one of the following reasons, the error code H202 appears.
The hosting setup parameters are incorrect.
Incoming and outgoing communication is blocked by the server computer's firewall.
DNS server is in conflict.
The IP address of the host system or server holding the corporate file is unavailable to QuickBooks.
On the server machine, several internal QuickBooks services such as QuickBooksDBXX and QBCFMonitor aren't operating.
The network data file (.ND) is damaged or corrupted.
Steps to Solve QuickBooks Error H202
There are several options for resolving the QuickBooks H202 problem. Follow the solutions in the correct sequence for the best results.
Solution 1: Perform a network connectivity test.
To test your network connection, ping your server from a workstation with error H202.
To ping your server, follow these steps:
To open the Run window, type 'run' into the Windows search bar.
Type cmd into the search box in the Run window and press Enter.
To ping the server name from your workstation, type ping [servername] and press Enter.
Ping the server.
If you notice packet loss or delayed response, this indicates that the network needs to be fixed. If this is the case, move on to Solution 2.
Solution 2: Use the QuickBooks File Doctor Tool as a second option.
Run the QuickBooks File Doctor Tool to fix any network problems that are preventing multiple users from connecting to the server. Intuit's QuickBooks File Doctor is a dependable troubleshooting tool for diagnosing and solving many sorts of QuickBooks issues, including Error code H202.
To begin, you must first download and install the QuickBooks file doctor program.
Then, from the QuickBooks tools hub, pick the business file problem to access the tool.
From the drop-down option, choose the company file. If you can't find the file, use Browse and Search to locate it.
When you're finished, check the box next to your file and then click Continue.
The final step is to input the QuickBooks administrator password and then choose Next.
When the scan is finished, you should open the QuickBooks program and the company file.

Solution 3: Access the Network Diagnostic Tool.
To begin, download and install the software.
Examine the location of the data file in the folder.
Make a list of the IP addresses and Network Interfaces.
If the Firewall Status section includes an Open Ports button, click it to allow QuickBooks to use those ports.
Verify that the data files are connected.
Attempt to open the data file for your firm.
QuickBooks problem number H202 is a difficult one to fix. However, with the appropriate solutions on your side, you can overcome it and other similar issues so that you can continue working on your QuickBooks financial transactions without interruption. This article will go through all of the options for resolving the QuickBooks problem H202. However, create a backup of your QuickBooks corporate files.
Source: Opencloudmanifesto.org